Wake up and rock with commercial free rock for your drive to work!

Dale Alexander has been rockin’ in Roanoke for nearly 20 years. His radio days (daze?) go back to the days of spandex and big hair and even beyond. He’s a musician, published writer and playwright, and ordained minister. He’s also a family man with a wife and two daughters as well as 3 dogs and a cat. He loves a good IPA, smoky Scotch from the Islay area of Scotland, and a good concert with friends or even a quiet evening around a campfire or a day in the woods. He is originally from the heart of West Virginia and is proud of his Appalachian and Celtic heritage. Yeah, he will wear camo with his kilt. Got a problem with that?

Throughout a broadcast career that's spanned 26 years, 4 states any countless radio stations, there has been one constant mantra that he strives to live by, it's all about the music. It's exactly for that reason Joe Johnson decided to bring his talents to Wheeler Broadcasting and make the change to a channel that plays what the Southwest and Central Virginia listeners actually want...Rock that really rocks!